Monday, September 7, 2009

Pour Some Sugar on Me

Sometimes, I think sugar is the devil.  Trust me, I’ve got the pictures to prove it.  Look how evil these coke products are.  Can you believe that there is twelve spoons of sugar in a 12 oz. can of coke?

I have been eating a lot less of it lately, and I can notice a change in my body.  I feel more energenic, which is weird, since sugar makes me super hyper.  I’m sure some intelligent person can post a comment here to explain the whole science behind the sugar high verses the sugar crash, etc.  I don’t feel the need to.  All I know is that I crave it all the time, and it is hard as hell to say no to.  I know it is addictive as hell.  But because of my health being the way it is, I’m really trying hard not to have it as much.   I know my family has noticed my cut back on home sweets, as I hear angry snarls and moans about M&M vending machine runs often.  

After getting an email from a friend earlier this week, I thought it was pretty darn scary to see how much sugar is in some of the food I like to drink.  Can you even imagine what is in our food?  I adore my Snapple Iced Teas and after seeing that picture, I am not sure if I can ever drink one again.

Has anyone ever went completly sugar free?  I’d never be able to do it, never, I’m way too addicted.  I went of coke this past January, and I cheat like twice a month just to not fall off the wagon completly.  I’m glad I went off diet soda completly at least.  Seems like Aspertame is even worse for you.  I wrote a post on that ages ago, which you can find in my categories if you desire …

I love it when people think that getting a smoothie is healthier than drinking a pop.  Ummm, looks to me like they both are pretty bad.

Here are a few more scary ass sugar pictures to give you nightmares. 


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