Wednesday, September 2, 2009

34 y/o old chick...

This is a picture taken today of my “junk drawer.” It is the top shelf of my computer stand.

This drawer has always been a place to put stuff b4 I actually put it away. Mail, coupons, paper-junk. It has also been a mini-lipgloss junkie stash for as long as I can remember. But today when I opened it, I just felt sad. This drawer used to have some Benadryl and maybe some cough drops, acne medicine and moisturizing eye drops. But now, now it’s full of meds that I have to take.

There was a brief time when I slightly enjoyed some of these meds; such as the pain killers and tranquilizers. But ever since the Fibromyalgia hit full force, and with the recent root-canal and all the allergic reaction *ickyness*…this drawer is full of crap. Too much garbage for a 34 year old to take, that’s for sure. I mean, I know I don’t feel well…I really, really don’t feel well!! I know the point of these medicines are to relax me, help me with pain and some of the MANY reactions to my horrible, horrible Fibromyalgia. Enough is enough already. I can’t believe I would ever utter the words…no more vicodin please!!!! This recent root-canal pain though is off the friggin’ charts, and left me with little to no choice. The pain never fully goes away, so I still cry like a baby here and there.

At least, yeah…I have a kick-ass stash of MAC Lipglass and LipBalms to cheer me up!!! That and my internet and Comsuckast ON Demand (when it fucking works.)

Things are really hard for me. I know I keep saying that. But it’s a little different now. Fucking around with my nerves when I have a central nervous system disorder that puts me in LOTS more pain.

Ummm, yeah….I’m fairly close to LOSING MY MIND WITH HOW SICK I FEEL ;c(


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