Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How does your foot taste now?

Two things are infinite:

the universe and human stupidity;

and I’m not sure about the universe.

~ Albert Einstein

Forgive me… I just feel the need to rant for a minute about the stupidity of people when it comes to dealing with chronic illness. I say stupidity instead of ignorance because there is a HUGE difference.

Ignorance is genuinely not knowing something. If you don’t know about something then it is your responsibility to seek knowledge and/or understanding before you speak about it or on behalf of it.

Stupidity is just speaking about something without the knowledge or caring to understand.

Sooo that being said to all you “normals” out there that have chosen to act stupidly in my presence when it comes to my illnesses and/or diseases, don’t. Just don’t say a damn word. You don’t know me, you don’t know my coping mechanisms, abilities, or tolerance levels.

Since I was a teen I was on the go from the time my feet hit the floor early in the morning until almost midnight. I went to high school, I worked since 14, volunteered as a tutor, AND took college classes.

I started nursing school in 2002 as a newly divorced mother of two kids. I worked, went to college, and took care of my kids. During the first year of college I had 3 major surgeries within 5 months all done on a Friday and I was back to class on Monday. I was also homeless at one point during that time.

NOW, talk to me about “staying determined”. Now, even with 3 diseases I constantly battle every minute of the day I am the Executive Director & Treasurer of a non-profit charity that on some days I have to run from my bed. Determined? Maybe not to some people, but I AM determined to make everyone who judges me for a second to feel as stupidly as you act.

The lesson here? Know what the hell you’re talking about before you question my determination and forgive me if I might wish for a break from the external forces that causes me so much pain from time to time. (Like the weather) I didn’t mean to disturb you!

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