Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mercury fillings removal has begun/began?

Hi folks,

Writing with mixed emotions today.  I’m leaving in an hour for a 45 minute ride to Lexington to have half of the mercury fillings  in my teeth removed and replaced by composite — which I’ve already been tested for to make sure that I’m not allergic to. I’m glad to finally be getting the mercury out, but who likes getting dental work done?!  My roommate is driving me because I still can’t comfortably drive more than about 10 minutes at a time YET (my “positive” word).  I go back in 3 weeks to have the other half removed because I had 9 fillings in all & that is too many to do at one time.

When I get better at this blogging thing (and have less fibro-fog), I will be able to put the little “widgets” in that make it possible for you to click on a word & learn more info about it.  Like DAMS, which is an association that helps people be aware of the medical dangers of mercury fillings — the silver looking ones.

If you have “silver” fillings in your teeth, you have mercury in your mouth & every time you eat, drink or grind your teeth, you’re releasing a little mercury vapor into your body.  According to my Dr., no amount of mercury is safe, so I’m having it removed.  You have to go to a dentits who specializes in “safe mercury removal”.  They have special machines & procedures.  You can find a listing in your area if you google DAMS (the association — I feel like I’m cursing every time I type or say that LOL ).

I’ve already missed over 11 years of my life due to fibromyalgia & chronic fatigue, more than that if you count the number of days I was bed ridden from TMJ caused migraines.  I’m ready to get healthy & enjoy life!

If you can’t find something that I’ve referred to, make a comment & I will get back to you as soon as possible.  I promise I will get more proficient at this in the next few weeks (or months!).

Much Love & Many Blessings!

Karla Setchel


[Via http://karlasetchel.wordpress.com]

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