Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hoisting the plague flag

I’ve finally succumbed to the flu. And I’d been doing so well–I’ve had lots of nasty colds and sinus infections over the past few years, but I haven’t had anything this severe since about 2006. That was when a mysterious lung infection triggered the onset of Graves’ Disease and rendered me pretty incapable for the best part of a year. Fortunately, I’m in better shape now–I don’t smoke, I’m not underweight any more–so I’m hoping I won’t run the risk of any complications this time around.

Although my asthma hasn’t been a major problem for years, it does tend to flare up when I get sick like this. I always worry when my chest gets involved–I had bronchitis multiple times at university, and every time I find myself coughing I remember the time I had whooping cough in my late childhood and how it went on FOREVER. I’m keeping my inhaler close to the bed just in case.

My poor partner has it too–she came down with it the day after I did, although she doesn’t seem to have been knocked about quite so badly (thankfully). She is a bit more robust than I am, lucky thing. I’ve been comparing my symptoms with hers so I can work out whether the headache and the stiff neck muscles are a result of the flu, or part of my usual fibromyalgia woes. It’s hard to tell–I’ve been having daily headaches and neck pain for a while–but my partner says that this is also part of the flu.

We’ve both spent the weekend sitting in bed, armed with Strepsils, Sudafed, a metric fuckton of codeine, audiobooks (for when the light gets too much) and our laptops. I don’t think either of us will be going in to work tomorrow.

This is daft, but I’m a bit insulted by the cheek of the flu, bothering me at a time like this. I’ve got fibromyalgia, an autoimmune thyroid disease, asthma, and I’m mental. To make matters worse, I currently have my period. Isn’t that enough? Where’s my exemption on medical grounds? Help! Help! I’m being oppressed!

If this post makes no sense, please blame the fever. It’s not as bad as it was on Friday, but it’s still pretty annoying.

Anyway, I really should go and have a shower (my hair, omg it is foul), but it’s a bit daunting. The thought of the water hitting me makes me wince, and even with a shower chair, I’m not sure I have the spoons right now…


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