Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fireworks going off in my head

Sorry Everyone,

I had intended on getting at least one good post out of myself, but I have accepted that it just won’t happen today ;) .  Maybe tomorrow I will write my Pulitzer winning post? (I am SOOOO kidding y’all!  If you can’t laugh at yourself, WHO can you laugh at?)

This migraine is kicking my butt… and it has really taken hold of my jaw and neck… I am going to have to pay my chiropractor a visit tomorrow morning and ask him for some help…. Each time I move my right shoulder, I get fireworks going off in my head and neck… it is just going from bad to worse, and it’s time to stop fighting and just sit with it until I can get some help from my AMAZING chiro!  You know you are in bad shape when you would GLADLY have your chiropractor manually stretch and release trigger points INSIDE your mouth than be given a trip to the spa… that is where I am at right now…. OUCH!!! I will exchange a really GOOD hurt over this hurt any day!

I am still holding up okay, but this is 4 days straight now, and I am starting to lose steam….. There is only so much we can do on our own before we have to reach outside ourselves.. I have tried everything.. stretching, heat, ice, baths, showers, dietary changes, yoga, deep breathing, doing the hokey pokey… I put my right foot in and I did shake it all about, it didn’t work.  I swear, is there something I am missing?

Do you find that once a certain part of your body acts up, it sets off a chain reaction? This all started with a sore back and shoulder, then my back pain went away, and it was ALL in my shoulder…. then it moved quickly into my neck… and now I honestly can’t say where one starts and another ends… everything is SOOO tight and twisted… blah…  And on top of my nerve pain, and “normal” pain, I think I might go loony tunes soon!!  (I promise, if I go anywhere, I will invite y’all along with me!)

Sorry to all who was expecting some sort of togetherness today on my part ;)   but it ain’t gonna happen.  I feel badly because the past few days I have not been blogging the way I normally do… I just need to get myself in order, and then I will be back to my fun-loving sore self – instead of my crankypants desperate self ;)

So I am off to lay down AGAIN with another ice pack, heating pad, book, and a prayer….  I need for this migraine to GO AWAY!!!!!  There, I told it!!  Do you think it will listen?!?

Hugs and my love to all of you… thanks for letting my rant a little… sometimes it is good medicine.

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